Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Gamerscore Is Bigger than Yours

Well...not really. In fact I recently just got it over 25,000. Scouring the internet, there's various websites dedicated to getting the highest possible gamerscore there is. There's even a website dedicated to getting a million gamescore points. Think about that for a second. Almost all games have at least 1000 points and one guy is making it his life goal to get *ahem*(in my best Dr. Evil voice) 1 MILLION GAMERSCORE POINTS. I just can't fathom the idea of dedicating my gaming towards getting achievements for Hannah Montana or Beijing 2008. It just blows my mind that having a number attached to your gamertag is that important to some people.

 Granted, when the 360 first came out and seeing the various challenges that the games came with, did entice me to get all the achievements for that game. It added the replayability I was looking for to find every chest or collect every coin. One of my favorite games, Star Ocean 3 always had me playing it over and over to complete quests, explore the hidden dungeons, and obtain every single ending for all the characters. I also remember when Super Mario World first came out, there was a percentage completion to it and my friend and I would try without any guides or cheats to get that golden 100% next to our game. When we finally got the number, it was like mixture of joy and relief that it was over. It was well worth it in the end.

Achievements that I see now just doesnt have that same feel like it used to. Most of them do take some time to achieve but others are just odd. You can easily get gamerscore points just for pressing start (a la The Simpsons Game). I guess putting the game in your Xbox 360 without seeing the RROD is an achievement in itself. Some of the achievements involve playing multiplayer to get them. This is where I get annoyed with it. Getting those points can easily be achieved just by getting a friend to be the sacrificial lamb and boosting your score instead of playing for the win or enjoyment. It takes the fun out of it when you see 2 guys in the corner away from the action humping each other.Yes...that really happened.

I still like the whole achievement system dont get me wrong. I just dont put it at the forefront for me when I get a new game to obtain every single achievement for it.For me, it hit home when I decided not to play games on the most difficult level. I dont think I wouldve enjoyed Black OPS as much as I did if I started the game on veteran. It's something I wont lose sleep over if I dont finish a level under a certain time or find every single piece of intel. Hopefully, you wont either.


  1. I recently read an article about a guy who when he went to renew his 12 month xboxlive gold, instead he created a new account. Free from all the stresses of trying to beat your friend's scores. Mainly because he realized that no matter how many games you play (or even do the almost near impossible of getting 1000g) you will never beat some of the scores out there from guys who get a bunch of the indie games and get those easy completes. So that renewal sense of 0 gamerscore is refreshing, like a release of sorts.

  2. I enjoy seeing acheivements that mean accomplishments. i dont however care for the acheivments that just pop up cause it wants to state some kinda situation that happen in the store line. I dont however go out and buy games to gain acheivements. to me there is no sense in doing that.
