Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Medal of Honor....Did it live up to expectations?

EA pulled out all the stops to sell this game. They created controversy in regards to playing as the Taliban in multi-player. (somehow I think all along they knew that wasn't going to fly) They spaced out their pre-release videos, crafted pre-order bonuses, and had ads on every major gaming site. It worked as they sold 2 million copies in the first 2 weeks and have even commented that it will continue on to be a sequel. Did it take over the Call of Duty franchise? Absolutely not! But I do think they made a small dent to let them know they are here to play and that always works out great for us gamers. Competition never hurts!

Many ask is it a good game? thats always a hard question to answer because no 2 people see things the same way. Meta critic reviews has it as decent at a 74 score overall. I would probably give it a bit more, as I actually had fun playing the single player campaign and thought the ending was quite moving for a video game. Perhaps that's my military background in me though. I did actually see a tweet where someone said they got emotional at the ending. I wouldn't quite go that far though.

Where I think the game really shines is in it's multi-player modes. After the first few days of getting slaughtered I wondered if it was the game or me needing to adjust. Well It was me because I stuck with it and all the sudden it started clicking for me. I have actually been able to snipe on this game (something i could never do on COD). Was so excited when I had a 25-5 game sniping mostly. However for people just starting into multi-player sniping can be very discouraging. There will be some spawn sniping and not knowing your maps will get you killed very quick!. But once you play for a few hours you will know what you can and can not do. The weapons play is smooth and a bit more realistic than the COD franchise in my opinion. The one thing that always drove me crazy was those able to run and jump around carrying should mounted RPG's in COD!! That is impossible in real life! Its enjoyable wining the most Wanted ribbon while playing in game multiplayer as if feels like you have made the entire other team furious at you! I do enjoy winning the medals and awards each game but I do find it lacking as the upgrades to the weapons seem to take longer and longer, and many of them don't help at all. (that laser sight is worthless!) . I suppose it keeps things a bit more even for everyone that way but I can see myself getting bored soon.

I am sure I will enjoy it right up until COD Black ops comes out. Then I am sure I will wish to myself that COD had MOH's weapons play and COD's perks! Now that would be an awesome game.

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