Friday, November 12, 2010

Multi-Tasking Station. Is this Ridiculous?

The Muti-tasking station! 2 360's and a computer.  Plus the 32" doubles as a double monitor for the computer!

In on of my previous posts I eluded to one of the reasons I don't game socially as much anymore is because of my setup.  It all went back to the days of overindulging myself in online gaming, and leaving little time for others in the house. In my eyes its as bad as not being around. You are tuned out while gaming socially, you don't hear what others are saying, or you are in a completely different room altogether.  I needed to make a change and with that came some sacrifices.  I still like to spend spare time practicing Madden or finishing up the next best shooter. My wife likes to watch the sitcoms.  So instead of being totally in a different room came the multitasking station.   A space where I can play, put some headphones on (if I need to) pause, watch TV with the family, and work on the computer all at the same time.  It works for me because I have to stay multi-tasked, and this gives me the freedom to accomplish that.  It allows me to be in the room (right behind the main couch) to talk, watch TV and during shows I don't like or commercials I can un-pause and get right back to playing.

The only problem is I have created a monster!  When my son drug in the 40' TV from the back and sat it on the fireplace so he could play and be in the same room as us, it became a bit much.  90" of TV's beside each other???  Weird I know a 17 year old actually wanting to hang with his parents. (We are lucky I say). I let the TV sit there right along beside the 50" family viewing TV  for about a month before I said enough is enough the 40" has to go.  Plus it was getting about time to need to cut on the gas logs! So I reconfigured the multi-tasking station to accommodate with a 27" TV he can play on complete with wireless headphones as well.

The Main TV and the 40" was just to the right sitting the fireplace hearth!

The only drawback with this is the social aspect.  Not with the family, as this places me in the room and engages me with the family, but with my online friends. Its a bit hard to talk/chat when you are that close to someone trying to watch TV. So that is my biggest reason most of my social online gaming is done on the weekends now.   Love to hear about everyone else setups and why they are how they are.

1 comment:

  1. That is just crazy KK... what a setup... nice that your 17 year old wants to be with you though.
