Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gaming and Diapers Whaaat?

Perhaps I am behind the times but I heard something on the radio this morning that disturbed me. and a quick search confirms it is real try it for yourself

Diapers for playing COD?  Are you kidding me?  Do people know there is a pause button, or a leave lobby button? I mean how long does it actually take to run to the restroom.  Heck I could probably do it between rounds if I had to rush! We even had an all nighter and somehow I got through without a diaper.  Evidentially for this to show up as frequently purchased together this would have to be be...ahh....whats the word....FREQUENT!  I guess I heard some of the stories of the crazed PC gamers and their World of Warcraft shenanigans but COD?  I never thought I would see that day.  Obviously these guys don't have girlfriends or wifes right? Yea, I can see my wife coming home seeing me sitting in the living room wearing flip flops and a diaper playing video games!  Lets just say I would be horse-laughed out of the house and rightfully so.

Who are these guys?  I think I know.  It's the ones that have already prestiged 3 times and its only day 3!  We have all seen them.  So proud of their what the hell symbol is that rank that they proudly parade around in the lobby's shouting "lets get this done guys!" right before the round starts. Then blasting everyone else for everything that went wrong when they lose with the classic "you guys suck!" statement before they leave the lobby. .

I am sorry if this is old news and evidentially it is because it is linked to COD MW4, and perhaps I have heard of it but my brain refused to register such nonsense, but when I heard it this morning they referred to Black Ops as the culprit and it woke me up! Well the frequently purchased with doesn't show up on Amazon with COD BO yet but sadly it may not be far behind.

Anyone ever done something like this, or know someone like this?  I would love to hear a first hand account of whats going on in your mind!

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