Killzone 3 open Beta has been out for about a week now and it has grown on me very fast. I went and preordered it right away and even ordered the sharpshooter peripheral for the move controller but that will be a covered in a future blog, The game includes classes of soldiers that are similar to games like the Battlefield Series. The classes in Killzone however are a little more specific than your regular Sniper, Medic, and Assault classes. Lets take a look a the Killzone 3 class structure, how they should be used, and what perks/weapons they handle.
Note: Abilities and classes chart information below gathered from Playstation informer Blog

ENGINEER- The Engineer should primarily be used in a support role. That not to say they can't lay the smack down cause that M224-1A LMG says otherwise, The engineers primary duties should be to repair weapon caches, mounted guns, and turrets. I feel you should stay behind the lines looking for damaged goods to help support your teammates. Look at your mini map often to look for a wrench icon to help you find repairs. Those that run off to the front lines will not be helping their squad in the manner the class should be used. I find the LMG more than able to handle most resistance and I like how the iron sights set up on the M224-LA. If the LMG isn't your thing the next weapon is the basic STA11 SMG that you find in many classes. The final weapon is the STA3 LMG which is a meat grinder. It's fairly heavy but throws out bullets at an alarming rate but doesn't allow you to aim down the sites. The Sentry turrets that you can deploy don't do much damage until you get to the third level, as at that level they throw out rockets. At least the first 2 levels of turrets can lend you a hand alerting you to enemies coming in through the area you have it pointed to, and can weaken enemies a bit. Occasionally I will get kills with them if the enemy is already damaged.
Repair Tool
Repair damaged or destroyed ammunition dispensers, mounted guns and automated turrets.
Repair Tool+
Increases repair speed.
Repair Tool++
Hack enemy placed turrets, transferring ownership until the Engineer is killed or the turret is re-hacked. Stacks with previous abilities.
Sentry Turret
Deploy a machine gun turret that will automatically target and fire at enemies in range.
Sentry Turret+
Turret’s firing rate is increased and can be deployed twice as fast as before.
Sentry Turret++
Deployed turrets can now track targets faster and are augmented with auto-fire rockets that fire every few seconds.
M224-1A LMG
Friend to bunkered soldiers everywhere, the LMG’s iron sights and large clip size will make the enemy think twice before storming any position.
No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the StA11.
Accuracy is overrated. The StA3’s high rate of fire and large clip size will clear out a room in seconds. A formidable close-range weapon.
STA18 Pistol
Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
VC8 Shotgun Pistol
The best weapon for a close-quarters fight, nothing says ‘up close and personal’ like the VC8.
STA2 Battle Pistol
Increases grenade storage capacity and fires grenades farther than a soldier could ever throw.
MARSKMAN- The Marksman is your basic long range soldier. Meant to hide in the shadows and keep enemies at bay worried about getting picked off in the open. With this class it is not necessary to hide in the shadows. Why? Because you are invisible! The cloak suit is amazing, rendering you invisible for a period of time. (see info below on primary abilities) I can't speak too much about this class other than it sucks to run up on one that slices your neck cause you had no idea they were in the room with you. I have tried the STA-14 Rifle and wasn't crazy about it but I may work on this class once I get my others built up more. I hear the last weapon the VC-32 is awesome and is a one shot kill anywhere on the body. So this should be a sniper's delight, especially when coupled with the secondary weapon of the machine pistol.
Cloak Suit
Stay cloaked for a limited time. Firing any weapon will disable the cloak and moving around will reduce its effect.
Cloak Suit+
Stay cloaked indefinitely. Firing any weapon will disable the cloak and moving around will reduce its effect.
Cloak Suit++
Stay cloaked indefinitely while firing weapon. Damaging an enemy player or moving around will cause the cloak to ripple for a short time. Mortally wounding or killing an enemy will disable the cloak unless using a silenced weapon.
The Marksman and any allies within 15 meters will not show up on the enemy’s radar, even when firing weapons.
Marksman will not be revealed when an enemy Tactician uses their Recon ability. Stacks with previous ability.
Enemies within 15 metres of the Marksman will have their radars disabled. Stacks with previous ability.
STA14 Rifle
A scoped semi-automatic rifle capable of felling most targets before they can get near you.
No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the StA11.
VC32 Sniper Rifle
With a long-range zoom (UP on D-Pad) and high accuracy, this rifle is capable of felling most foes in a single shot.
STA18 Pistol
Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
VC8 Shotgun Pistol
The best weapon for a close-quarters fight, nothing says ‘up close and personal’ like the VC8.
M66 Machine Pistol
Equipped with a reflex scope and a silencer, the machine pistol is an ideal weapon for close-range, surprise encounters.
TACTICIAN- The Tactician is probably not best used in Team Deathmatch type of games unless you need to cancel out all the Infiltrator classes because their primary ability is to capture spawn points faster than anyone else. This is very important and can be the difference in capturing then defending or getting killed while capturing! The secondary ability is a very interesting one as it allows you to spot enemy positions which come in handy when defending a position or pretty much anytime. You start out with a the basic iron sighted STA11 SMG and can move up to a LMG or Rifle. The main thing about this class is that it counters out the Infiltrator class and allows you to see those sneaky disguised bastards! The class also allows the ability to acquire a Missile launcher which comes in handy when you start to go against Battle Mech's on certain maps of the multiplayer.
Can capture Tactical Spawn Areas in the level which, once captured, allow all faction members to spawn there. Some Tactical Spawn Areas may unlock special level-specific objects, like jetpacks or mortar beacons.
Reduces the time it takes to capture a Tactical Spawn Area by half.
Capture and Hold mission areas can be captured at twice the normal speed. Stacks with previous abilities.
Temporarily mark enemy positions on the mini-map by pressing left on the D-PAD. Any enemies within 30 metres of you will be revealed.
Activate [RIGHT on the D-PAD] and throw a beacon to call in a flying Sentry Drone to attack enemies. If no enemies are present the drone will patrol the vicinity for threats.
Upgrades the Tactician’s Sentry Drone, allowing it to track and fire faster.
No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the StA11.
M224-1A LMG
Friend to bunkered soldiers everywhere, the LMG’s iron sights and large clip size will make the enemy think twice before storming any position.
STA14 Rifle
A scoped semi-automatic rifle capable of felling most targets before they can get near you.
STA18 Pistol
Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
M4 Revolver
One shot will severely cripple an enemy, or kill a wounded one.
VC9 Missile Launcher
Capable of destroying turrets and drones in a single shot, the VC9 missile launcher is the very definition of an anti-armor weapon.
INFILTRATOR- May be the most hated class of the bunch. Their main goal is to make your life miserable. They accomplish that by toting a shotty that will put you down with one shot when close and personal. To get that close they have the ability to disguise themselves as being your team mate.. Depending on how much they have leveled up depends on how often and how long they can pull of this charade. Even their name tag comes up green which makes life difficult to say the least when battling them. These boogers are the reasons your own team mates send a few bullets your way at times when you come around a corner, as it is a way to check you out to see if you are who you say you are. This is a front line class and should be used a such, cause if you don't you will be wasting your abilities. If you are not feeling the shotty you can wait on acquiring the deadly STA52 assault rifle.
Infiltrators can disguise themselves as a member of the opposing faction.
In addition to being disguised, Infiltrators are undetectable by Engineer Turrets, Sentry Drones and Medi-Droids.
Perform melee attacks without breaking disguise. Stacks with previous abilities.
Increase stamina by 50% and sprint faster than normal.
Unlimited stamina.
‘Use’ actions, such as placing and disarming explosives, are completed 50% faster.
LS13 Shotgun
The LS13 is a powerful semi-automatic shotgun equipped with a reflex scope. Whatever this hits stays dead.
No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the StA11.
STA52 Assault Rifle
Standard Helghast issued assault rifle equipped with reflex scope. Sturdy, easy to use and ideal for just about any combat situation.
STA18 Pistol
Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
STA2 Battle Pistol
Increases grenade storage capacity and fires grenades farther than a soldier could ever throw.
VC9 Missile Launcher
Capable of destroying turrets and drones in a single shot, the VC9 missile launcher is the very definition of an anti-armor weapon.
FIELD MEDIC- This may be one of the classes I end up sticking with the ability to rack up XP healing teammates. However sadly enough there are not many people waiting on the medics right now, as they spam that respawn button too quick. Perhaps when the game launches more people will rely on the Medic more. Based on their attributes they are definitely a support class and not one that runs out to the front lines. Along with the ability to revive players, they can eventually have a medi droid follow them around emitting health when needed and can revive you if at the end of the respawn timer if leveled up to the Triage++ level. Thats why you finish people off when they are down, as they may be a medic and get back up to kill you. They do have the abilty once purchased to carry one of the most popular assault rifles in the game the M82 assault rifle. This alone may make the medic a desirable class.
Mortally wounded players are revived with full health and a clip of ammo.
Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health, 2 clips of ammo and 1 explosive.
Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health and maximum ammunition and grenades.
An aura of health is emitted from the Field Medic, regenerating himself and nearby faction members.
Deploys [Right on the D-PAD] a hovering Medi-Droid that will accompany the Field Medic until death.
If still mortally wounded at the end of the respawn timer, the Field Medic will be given the option to respawn where he fell with full health and ammunition.
No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the StA11.
LS13 Shotgun
The LS13 is a powerful semi-automatic shotgun equipped with a reflex scope. Whatever this hits stays dead.
M82 Assault Rifle
Standard issue to all ISA combatants, the assault rifle is well-suited to most combat situations. Equipped with a reflex scope, this weapon is deadly in the hands of an experienced soldier.
STA18 Pistol
Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
M4 Revolver
One shot will severely cripple an enemy, or kill a wounded one.
M66 Machine Pistol
Equipped with a reflex scope and a silencer, the machine pistol is an ideal weapon for close-range, surprise encounters.
Other items to upgrade:
All primary and secondary abilities can be upgraded to ‘+’ and ‘++’ versions, which may provide different abilities entirely, mapped to a separate button, example; Recon (LEFT on D-Pad), Recon+/++ (RIGHT on D-Pad) or an upgraded version which stacks with previous abilities.
The ‘Career Selection’ screen has the following options:
CAREER (Class, example: Engineer, Field Medic, etc)
PRIMARY (Primary weapon)
SECONDARY (Secondary Weapon)
EXPLOSIVES (Explosive equipment type, example: Frags or Mines)
SKILL (Passive abilities, example: Extra Health, Extra Ammo)
All classes also have separate, passive abilities (skills) made available through the use of unlock points. They are the following:
Begin with armour that absorbs damage that would normally reduce your health.
Extra Health
Increases maximum health.
Extra Ammo
Weapons start with more ammunition.
Extra Primary Weapon
Substitutes a secondary weapon with a previously unlocked primary weapon.
There are also two types of explosives available to the player, which are:
M194 Frag Grenade
Equip and use Fragmentation Grenades.
Proximity Mine
Equip and use Proximity Mines.